Talk: Shifting Perspective



Susanne Keichel
Kristin Loschert
Tobias Neumann
Aleksandra Vajd
Lina Zacher


11/10/2020  4 pm


An encounter in the form of a portrait: on the photographic gaze. The artists Susanne Keichel, Kristin Loschert, Tobias Neumann, Aleksandra Vajd and Lina Zacher will talk about the possibilities of a social documentary practice in contemporary photography and film.

The talk will take place on-line.

The Fotograf Festival is organised by the Fotograf 07 z.s., and held under the auspices of the Mayor of Prague, and with the support of the City Council of Prague (400 000 CZK), the Czech Ministry of Culture and State Fund of Culture.

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